Usage: SET FIELD <field> [<text>]

The Field setting allows the user to add extended information to his/her registered nickname. The fields can be pre-set on the server level or the user can use the unused Comment field to enter business or personal comments. If no field name is used, it will display the list of the fields. If no information is entered it will delete the current information in the field. The fields are settable on the server running Services, only server administrators can name the fields. Please look at the AdminServ services field commands for additional information.

/msg nickserv set field
/msg nickserv set field Age 30
/msg nickserv set field Age
/msg nickserv set field Comment1 personal comments

Fields are a nice way to add things to your public information. Remember, anything you add will be viewable by everyone, so make sure you want the information to be public. But this way you can have a more thorough description to help people get to know you.